Friday, 19 December 2014

Dear 25 year old me.


Dear 25 year old Kirsten.

Currently, you are sat in bed at 2:30pm thinking about what the hell you're doing with your life.
The answer you came up with? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
You have some amazing people you have surrounded yourself with, but sometimes you need to chill out with them.
You're family are also amazing, but (Yes, there is another but) you dont contact them enough.
Uni is going alright, but you need to stop going out and getting drunk and you probably should focus on your studies.
You have met some absolute belters of friends, and right now, they're probably the only people thats keeping you going so please dont jeopardise that.
Ask for help if you need it,
Dont let people mug you off.
Stop being so nice to people that don't deserve it.
Give your attention to people that do deserve it.

Im hoping that you have done this,
If you havnt, start now.

Kirst x

Age 21.


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