If you didn't know, yesterday was thanksgiving in America and although Britain doesn't tend to celebrate it, I'm pretty damn thankful for a few few things.
Thanksgiving is typically celebrated on the last Friday of November, and its a joyous day where Americans all go back to their family homes and stuff themselves silly.
I thought i'd do this post to tell you what I'm thankful for.

Number one goes to my mammy.
I probably couldn't thank her enough for everything she does for me. Obviously I wouldn't be here without her, for a start. She's my best friend and I would be completely stuck without her. As in, I probably would have exploded if I didn't have her to talk to, especially this semester. She's a wonderful person, and I couldn't have asked for any one better
Number 2, goes to my uni family.
These would include Hannah, Ryan, Emily and Ellie.

Number 3 would be my education.
As much as I complain about it, University and Music and Media Management is definitely one of the main things I'm thankful for. Don't get me wrong, I definitely wouldn't recommend you take the course if you're looking to be a band manager because, I'm pretty sure half the modules I'm doing currently have absolutely nothing to do with what anyone wants to do. I mean, I don't think I need to show my apparent "creative" side to prove that I'm worthy of managing someone. However, I came to uni knowing hardly anything about the music industry, and now, well I know a lot more than I did.
Number 4? This would go to Megan E. Bloom.

5 is going to my Cardiff buddies
Hannah, Jenny, Shannon, Lowri, Danni and Amy.

Last but not least.. number 6 is to all the friends that I don't talk to anymore, to all the mistakes i've made (take that how you will) THANK YOU! You've helped me more than anyone on this list. Want to know why? If i didnt realise how wrong I was before stopping talking to you, then I would still be making the same mistakes now.
Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
Kirst x
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