I know I only did one yesterday but seeing as im going home this weekend again(yay!) I though i'd update today.
In yesterdays post I spoke about the people I lived with that were British and going to be living with for nearly the whole year. Today I'm going to write about my course, the people I speak to on my course, and some of the Americans that are here on this placement thing called BCA, which lets people study abroad.
Around 30 Americans moved into Regency a couple of days before we did but got to go to Cornwall while we were moving in, so we had the pleasure of meeting them the first Monday we were here.
Hannah, Eric, Catherine and I live with 3 guys called Chris, Nick and Ben.

Slap cup = you down a drink with a partner, and the first to finish gets to slap the other person's cup out of their hand. (this gets very messy)
Chandelier = every person playing has a cup in the middle surrounding another cup, which everyone pours a bit of their drink into(shit mix) and you have to bounce a ping pong ball, and aim for the shit mix. If you get the ball into another persons drink, you both have to drink. As soon as you're finished you have to flip the cup over, if you do this last, you're out of the game. If the ball lands in the shit mix, everyone has to drink, and the last person to flip their cup has to drink the shit mix. (very good to get drunk)
Austin and Jazmin have a vlog channel called "The Wanderlusters" to tell people how their trip abroad is going . I recommend people go and watch these videos because they are great and im still trying to get them to let me be in one.
There is also Daniel and Ashley who live on the same floor as Austin and Jazmin, and they are also really, really lovely. They are into very geeky(cool) things such as Dungeons and Dragons, cats, and marvel, as far as I know, which automatically makes them awesome(especially the cats thing)
Nearly all the Americans are going home in December barr 4 which makes me sad because I reckon I'll miss them, especially Hope and Kaitlyn. However, i'm slightly more happy because we get Austin, Jazmin, Ashley and Daniel until April.
For the duration of the next 3 years I will be studying Music and Media management.
Even though this wasn't my original choice(original choice = film studies) I think I'm going to enjoy it. At the moment, I'm enjoying 2/4 modules. These are "Mapping out the music industry" and "The Film Industry Business Structure" the other 2 (Web design and management) bore the shit out of me. Luckily we can choose our own modules next year!
The good thing about my course is that i'm on it with a bunch of awesome people. I don't really talk to a few of the people that much but the ones I do speak to I absolutely adore.

A lot of the time, if I see people from my course out and about, there are some pretty weird conversations thrown about, and some very odd photos.
I think that's quite enough for this post. In my next post I'll be talking about my friends at home and crazy nights in with people in my flat.
Kirsten x
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