Hi there.
So, I've been in university for over 2 months now and so far I'm a bit iffy about it.

On the first day we kind of integrated with the flat above us which consists of Ellie, who is a fellow CDIFF gyal who is also on the same course. Ryan, who was introduced as "wedding boy" because he was at a wedding the first weekend of freshers. Munya, who literally makes my life with just his laugh. Stephen, a purple haired, friendly lad, and Georgia, a lass with ears of steel after listening to the music she does.
Seeing as Ryan and Hannah are officially going out, you might as well class him as one of our flatmates because he spends 95% of his time down here.
Ryan or "wedding boy" is one of the most laddish yet un-laddish boys you will ever meet. He enjoys football and house music. Yet i've been told he reads and plays piano. He, along with Eric, is one of the loveliest kids you will ever meet. He is absolutely hilarious and so considerate it makes you want to cry. He also knows how to keep you included with the group, like if you're just sat in the corner quietly, he'll ask you if you're ok, or something along those lines. He's just an all-round good egg.

We've all had a fair few nights out so far and they've all been pretty eventful. Like we've been out one night where Hannah and I were so drunk that we sat outside Jack Wills, and refused to get up. Eric then had to coax one of us up, go to get the other one up, then the one already stood up, would sit back down again.
We've also spent the night sat in 5300's flat corridor(Ryan and Ellies flat) eating Pizza and drinking.
I've also been here for Halloween, which I didn't actually make it in the club for. Not because I was so drunk, but because I needed the toilet and couldn't be arsed to wait another hour in the queue.
However the pre-drinks were quite amusing.

Included in these photos would be Austin, Jazmin and Liam who i'll talk about in my next post, then Hannah, Georgia and Hannahs friend Becky, who came down for halloween.
All the people above have made my uni experience a hell of a lot better but still, its super hard. Like I didn't realise moving away from uni would make me miss my family, friends and cat as much as I do. It's literally one of the scariest things I've had to do in my entire life, but its also been an experience I wouldn't take back I don't think. I've met so many great people over the past two months but also some not great people along with it.
It's also been stupid hard dealing with money and trying to find a job. Before I came to Cheltenham I was used to getting a regular income because of a part-time job I maintained for 4 years, but now the only thing ive had is little promotion jobs ive had for the clubs around the town centre, which isnt really enough to feed me for a month, so ive kind of had to rely on my mum a bit, which isnt great.
So fingers crossed I get one soon!!!
Thats all for now.
Im going to try and undate this as much as possible
Kirsten x
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