Hey there.
If you didn't know, yesterday was thanksgiving in America and although Britain doesn't tend to celebrate it, I'm pretty damn thankful for a few few things.
Thanksgiving is typically celebrated on the last Friday of November, and its a joyous day where Americans all go back to their family homes and stuff themselves silly.
I thought i'd do this post to tell you what I'm thankful for.

Number one goes to my mammy.
I probably couldn't thank her enough for everything she does for me. Obviously I wouldn't be here without her, for a start. She's my best friend and I would be completely stuck without her. As in, I probably would have exploded if I didn't have her to talk to, especially this semester. She's a wonderful person, and I couldn't have asked for any one better
Number 2, goes to my uni family.
These would include Hannah, Ryan, Emily and Ellie.

I definitely would have dropped out of uni around about a year ago without these suckers. They're like my dysfunctional family that I never asked for, but got anyway. They all have their uses, that's for sure. Ryan and Hannah are literally like the mother and father of the house and Emily and Ellie are like my nuisance little sisters. I, apparently have been named the fun aunt.. Not sure how that works out. I can't thank them enough because honestly, I wouldn't be who I am today without them. And who am I today? A completely broken, insane lady who loves her housemates very much.
Number 3 would be my education.
As much as I complain about it, University and Music and Media Management is definitely one of the main things I'm thankful for. Don't get me wrong, I definitely wouldn't recommend you take the course if you're looking to be a band manager because, I'm pretty sure half the modules I'm doing currently have absolutely nothing to do with what anyone wants to do. I mean, I don't think I need to show my apparent "creative" side to prove that I'm worthy of managing someone. However, I came to uni knowing hardly anything about the music industry, and now, well I know a lot more than I did.
Number 4? This would go to Megan E. Bloom.
This little fucker completely broke my heart, however I'm so thankful for her existence. Although, she lives like 1000 miles away, I know she's just a Face Time away, and shes helped me so much. I dont mean "help" in the regular sense. Im 100% she helped my metal state, and I cant thank her enough for that. She was always there for me, and still is. I'm honestly not even sure how much else I can say that people havnt already heard. But Megan, I love you girl.
5 is going to my Cardiff buddies
Hannah, Jenny, Shannon, Lowri, Danni and Amy.

I dont see these girls half as much as I used to, and this breaks my heart. I love them as if they were my own family though. I also dont say this half as much as I should but I'm so thankful that you girls are in my life. I love you.
Last but not least.. number 6 is to all the friends that I don't talk to anymore, to all the mistakes i've made (take that how you will) THANK YOU! You've helped me more than anyone on this list. Want to know why? If i didnt realise how wrong I was before stopping talking to you, then I would still be making the same mistakes now.
Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
Kirst x
If you didn't know, yesterday was thanksgiving in America and although Britain doesn't tend to celebrate it, I'm pretty damn thankful for a few few things.
Thanksgiving is typically celebrated on the last Friday of November, and its a joyous day where Americans all go back to their family homes and stuff themselves silly.
I thought i'd do this post to tell you what I'm thankful for.

Number one goes to my mammy.
I probably couldn't thank her enough for everything she does for me. Obviously I wouldn't be here without her, for a start. She's my best friend and I would be completely stuck without her. As in, I probably would have exploded if I didn't have her to talk to, especially this semester. She's a wonderful person, and I couldn't have asked for any one better
Number 2, goes to my uni family.
These would include Hannah, Ryan, Emily and Ellie.

Number 3 would be my education.
As much as I complain about it, University and Music and Media Management is definitely one of the main things I'm thankful for. Don't get me wrong, I definitely wouldn't recommend you take the course if you're looking to be a band manager because, I'm pretty sure half the modules I'm doing currently have absolutely nothing to do with what anyone wants to do. I mean, I don't think I need to show my apparent "creative" side to prove that I'm worthy of managing someone. However, I came to uni knowing hardly anything about the music industry, and now, well I know a lot more than I did.
Number 4? This would go to Megan E. Bloom.

5 is going to my Cardiff buddies
Hannah, Jenny, Shannon, Lowri, Danni and Amy.

Last but not least.. number 6 is to all the friends that I don't talk to anymore, to all the mistakes i've made (take that how you will) THANK YOU! You've helped me more than anyone on this list. Want to know why? If i didnt realise how wrong I was before stopping talking to you, then I would still be making the same mistakes now.
Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
Kirst x